12 Oz Mouse строго

сб-вс 0:20

"ПРивет, я - ГЛАЗ, живу в Глазго на улице Глазной"

Voiced by Nick Ingkatanuwat
Eye is a giant eye who hires Fitz to kill Golden Joe, who owes him "fifty mil." He speaks slowly and over-enunciates certain syllables. He often uses words that have a "long i" sound (/aɪ/ diphthong) in them, even when they are not supposed to be pronounced with that sound (e.g. "mon-eye" instead of "money"). He lives on an island, which he claims is in either Iowa or Wyoming.
Early in the series, he appears to be working with Shark, as he was called to a secret meeting with Shark, Rectangular Businessman and Man/Woman. In "Adventure Mouse", Eye got one of his legs cut off by the Hand after he offended Shark and Rectangle. Fitz appears to save him at the end of "Bowtime" In "Surgery Circus", Liquor opens a cabinet to reveal another eye that looks exactly the same as Eye, except for the missing leg. Liquor also repairs the injured Eye's leg.
In "Enjoy the Arm", one of the Eyes sprouts an arm with a shotgun and leads the other Eye to Shark's control room, where he is held hostage with Golden Joe and the New Guy.
While hostage, Eye says that he "misses his dad" and that he was coming to pick him up from school. Shark responds that he's been "here" so long, that his dad is long gone by now.
In episode 20 "Prolegomenon", Eye's voice is heard coming from a human being who is connected to a large machine by tubes attached to his eye sockets.

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